Friday, November 21, 2008

7 days...8 hours

Oct 29, 2008 | 7:49 PM PST

And STILL no camera. It is frustrating but the flu has been outrageous. My seller was in the hospital, they are in CT. Here we are in Seattle and as I watch the flu ravage the city...I have to admit, it has to be bad there too. I am just now getting over it and Shannon is too, my poor honey. Even Max had a cold or flu or something. He has fought it off, the tough fuzzy *bleep*. Tippy? Oh, you have not met her yet, she is a rescue dumpster kitty from downtown Houston, Bayou Kitty. She is tough, not a problem.

I promised myself I would get in here and post more often, camera or no. I am!

OK, so the terrarium needs a new light, I know I put pics up once but don't want to drag them out as there are different things in it now. I will get a light and when I have the camera SHOW you :D The peppers are doing great and my little coffee (Nigerian) is very deep glossy green, I think it is enjoying the fact the light is out (well, it is working but Shannon was right, the plants are scared when it is's like a haunted house...all the ghosts of plants gone by..running's all spooky and flickery). The Dragon Fruit trees are happy as can be too. I know rather a few of you out there got some of this particular seed, did you plant them? How are they? What kind of light/soil/pot are you using? We should share our knowledge because I for one, have complete confidence no idea what I am doing with them! They live, they grow, that is good, eh?

We got a new aquarium, the old acrylic one was on it's last legs, least as a filled to the brim with 60 gallons fish tank. It has gone to new pastures with a new lease on life and has already become a turtle tank. The woman who came by (it was cute, she had this HUGE truck she borrowed and normally drives a PT Cruiser) was so excited, she had contacted me (I used Craiglist, for inner city dwellers, Craigslist is THE thing, got my place there, my job *all of them both in the last 6 years or so*) second and the first guy flaked so I called her. She lives south of here like a half hour or so and immediately said "I can be there in about an hour and have GPS". Cool. They went to the pet store first it seems because when I was helping her with the tank and light she mentioned they went and adopted turtles already, lol. It will be perfect for that, I am so happy it gets to be used again.

So, anyways, back to the tank. I have a thing for LIVE plants in my tanks, water or no, haha. The big tank, the 60 gallon is great. It had this hodge podge disco dayglo ick for gravel. We ditched it. 120 pounds of that crap...dumpster bound right away. I got river rock and DAMN it looks good. I was hesitant and it seems Shannon was too but she was NOT going to say anything. Then it got wet and wow...I have to get pics, all I can say. I had her arrange the 'furniture' in it (we have this great castle that is going to go in it, just have to afford it) and that worked great. Don't you love convincing someone to do something they think they don't want to do and then finding out they really liked to do it? Yep :D That reminds me...must blog about the pumpkins but NEED PICS! (they came out really cool, traditional cool, yo).

So, got all the fish moved, everybody is happy. Then I got to the plants. I had a couple plants I refused to move, all they did was constantly SHED crud in the water, leaves all over the place *note, water onion cool looking, puts out neat flowers like lilies...going all the way to the NOT want* and they did NOT move with everything. But..I have what appears to be an Amazon Sword but I have more correctly ID'd it as a Peruvian. The leaves are slimmer and not so big. So I will get an Amazon, lol. There is another neat looking bugger that I don't know the name. It builds it's offspring on the tips of it's deep green leaves..little leaves with roots and all cute...I can tug them off and plant them all over. So I have.

So, I finally get to the point of this story. I have some lava rock, red lava rock, in there! Yeah...that's the ticket. So I guess that is what the brick is, eh? Ambiance? Well, you do find them on the bottoms of river beds! And Sea Monster and Count Francis love the brick!!!

no ADD way. The story! That is what I was getting to!

The lava rock and the neato babies on the ends of it's leaves plant. So it has been multiplying. To the point I am thinking I could hedge it together, maybe it could act as well as Sedge (grassy bottom level water plant) and protect the babies that I know are getting laid in there and just being Caviar!) or sell them. So I put them all over. The fish do like to tell me where to put them since they will leave them some places and constantly uproot them in certain spots. Fine, I listen. I looked at that lava rock tonight and a couple plants rolling through the bubbles (we have about a foot and a half air stone that I hooked a two hosed air pump to one hose with canula tubing) that flood the back, it was neat but I had to replant them. No, not there, the fish don't want it there. No, not there. Already plants there!. The rock! yes! They will root in it if they stay on more than a couple days. I found some good spots that had cracks or a depression and weighted them with a piece or that river rock.

Just. Need. Pictures.

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