Friday, November 21, 2008

Orange tree, or Bonsai to be...

Jun 27, 2007 | 2:08 PM PST

Hi, my name is 'Orange Tree'. That's my new pal, 'Clover' behind me. I know this is a good home when someone realizes the importance of clover! I have been promised a glorious future. As my new owner, RKayne has taken note...I am taking very quickly to my new home, I love it here in this new pot that is SO much bigger than the one I lived in for so long. I know I don't get this pot forever so I am taking advantage of it and growing very fast, she put me in this pot about a week ago and I already have new growth sprouting all over. The ploy worked and she took notice of my very fine efforts. Guess what? I get to start training to be a bonsai this weekend! I am so proud, wonder what my parents would think. Maybe the old grove owner will see my progress and let them know! RKayne told me she would take a photo journey of my progress so this weekend you get to see what becomes of me, I know this won't be easy but I am eager to join the ranks of some of the finest trees on this planet, Bonsai!

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